Friday, August 7, 2015
What Is That Strange Object on The Kitchen Wall? (8/7/15)
It should be obvious that we are looking at a picture of a telephone.
How many of you have ever seen one of these?
How many of you have actually USED one of these?
These are the kinds of phones your parents and grandparents used when they were growing up.
If you were lucky, you had some sort of wireless phone so you could have some privacy when you were talking.
That is, of course, until somebody else had to use the phone or someone had to use the internet.
More on that in a bit...
At this point, there are many people who do not even have a phone in their house.
These days, people carry their phones around in their pockets.
We literally have the world in the palm of our hands.
Most of you have a phone that is capable of a great many things. In fact, you can even see the person you are talking to on the phone.
If someone had told me that this would be possible, I never would have believed them.
It's a bit like science fiction, accept it's real.
In your notebooks, please consider the following:
1) Describe the ways communication (the internet and/or phones) has changed to suit the needs of the people who use it in the 21st century.
2) How would you generate a plan to make such modifications to a phone?
3) What process might you follow to be assured that your modifications would be functional and successful?
4) Describe one other product or machine that you use that you believe has been modified drastically in recent history. Identify the product and describe the modifications that have made that piece of machinery more functional and useful to the people using it.
The Engineering Design Process (8/7/15)
Remember, the engineering design process is a specific set of steps that engineers use to organize their ideas and refine potential solutions to engineering challenges. Who remembers all of the steps? The steps include: identify the need, research the problem, develop possible solutions, select the most promising solution, construct a prototype, test and evaluate the prototype, communicate the design, and redesign.
Following this process, we start out by identifying the need for our engineering project. Instead of asking "what do we want to design?" we ask "why do we want to design that?" and "what problem and or need will our design ultimately be solving?"
Next, we want to identify our target population, which is the group of people who will benefit from our project. Is the target population ultimately one individual, a group of individuals, a specific community, or a larger, identifiable population? Is the target population from a specific location (country, region, town), demographic (age or gender), or other identifying characteristics (health condition or employment)? How is our target population connected?
After we understand our project need and our target population, we will identify our project's requirements and constraints. A requirement is a need or a necessity; it's what a particular product or service should do. A constraint is a restriction on the degree of freedom you have in providing a solution to a need or problem. For example, you may be required by your parents to receive good grades. At the same time, you may be constrained by other activities such as work, sports, sleep, spending time with friends, and so on. Although worthwhile, these time constraints may impinge on the amount of time you have to study. So, your challenge would be to find out how to meet the requirement of receiving good grades under the given time constraints.
Put simply, engineers follow a series of steps called the “engineering design process."
ASK: What is the problem? How have others approached it? What are your constraints?
IMAGINE: What are some solutions? Brainstorm ideas. Choose the best one.
PLAN: Draw a diagram. Make lists of materials you will need.
CREATE: Follow your plan and create something. Test it out!
IMPROVE: What works? What doesn't? What could work better? Modify your designs to make it better. Test it out!
A Tour of the Internet in 1993 (8/7/15)
In 1993m the internet with both old and so, so young. The network hosted mature services like newsgroups (discussion forums), FTP servers (file downloads), Gopher (for Web-like things before the Web), and so on. But in 1993 things got real when the Mosaic Web browser was released. That year, the PBS show Computer Chronicles spent a half hour touring the internet, but only mentioned the Web in passing. Let's go back a couple decades and enjoy what the Internet looked like right before the Web took over:
3:02 - The downloaded file is Clinton's inaugural address. Yes, downloading a compressed text file took measurable time in 1993.
4:00 - Hanging out at ARPA, in their version of the Enterprise. I'm here to tell you, Trekkies made this world.
6:00 - "'Net-surf'...that's what the cool kids are calling it."
7:30 - NASA has developed video conferencing with 2 frame-per-second video.
9:30 - Brendan Kehoe gives us a tour of Gopher, and attempts to order a CD online...but gives up because it's taking too long. Kehoe's book Zen and the Art of the Internet was a huge deal in those days. Oh yeah, and around 13:00 he downloads the full text of NAFTA. 90s-riffic!
17:07 - "Internet talk radio." Ahem, podcast prior art?
19:00 - Howard Rheingold, wearing an awesome outfit, explains The Well and predicts that the Internet will be a huge deal.
In your notebooks, consider the following:
When you think about the internet, describe the needs that have been addressed for the users of the service since 1993. Why did it chance so drastically? What functions do you think the internet served in 1993? What functions does the internet serve in 2015? Describe some things you believe are positive about the internet today. Predict some ways you believe the internet could continue to evolve in the next ten years. Describe some changes you would like to see that would benefit users in positive ways.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Alison Pearce Stevens - Mistakes: A Key To Learning (8/6/15)
This man uses a robotic arm to move a cursor across a computer screen. The screen blocks his view of his hand and arm. This focuses his attention on any errors he makes as he tries to move a cursor to a target location.
Attempting a new task almost always involves trial and error. We pay attention to those errors, a new study shows. Our brains store memories of past blunders. We then use those memories to improve how well we do in future attempts, a new study finds.
David Herzfeld discovered this newly identified type of memory. As a biomedical engineer at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md., he combines engineering and technology to aid public health.
In the new study, Herzfeld recruited people to play a simple video game. Participants were asked to move a cursor across a screen by manipulating a robotic arm. Critically, the robotic arm and the person’s hand were shielded from the player’s view. Participants instead had to focus on a computer screen. There, they saw a dot and a target. Their goal was to move the dot to the target.
That sounds easy enough. But the researchers could impose some challenges along the way. For instance, in one trial, participants had to move the robotic arm straight forward. But in some cases, the cursor moved a little more than the arm did. Other times, the cursor moved a little less. When those errors occurred in the same direction each time, participants remembered them. With each new attempt, the test participants corrected their movements a bit. And this slowly improved their ability to hit the target. But when those errors kept switching direction — being a little too far, then not far enough — participants ignored them.
Herzfeld likens this to playing a game of darts. “The first dart you throw is a little too low,” he says. When you try to correct on your next throw, it lands high. “You’ve over-corrected,” he explains. By doing so, you have made a mistake in a different direction. If such mistakes happen over and over, your brain learns to ignore them. And it stops trying correct for them.
But later in the game, you might throw the dart too low again. Herzfeld wanted to know what would happen then — could the brain recall the earlier low throw and correct the error?
To find out whether our brains really do “save” errors — remembering them for another time when they might prove useful — Herzfeld carried out a second set of tests. Here, when players moved the robotic arm forward, it rotated 30 degrees (one-twelfth of a circle, or the distance from one hour’s numeral to the next on a clock). One group experienced a clockwise rotation. The others got a counterclockwise rotation. For both groups, this was followed by a second phase with no rotation — the arm moved straight forward. In the third phase of the experiment, the arm rotated counterclockwise for both groups.
Herzfeld found that both groups hit the target faster during the last set of counterclockwise rotations. He expected this for the first group. That’s because they had experienced the same rotation in phase one. And they had “saved” memories of their errors, now using them to make the proper corrections.
The surprise was that the other group — the one that had the opposite rotation in phase one — also improved. Herzfeld calls this an example of “meta-learning.” That happens when we remember errors from one situation and apply them to a different one.
In this case, the people playing the game remembered the clockwise rotation from phase one. When the robotic arm stopped rotating, they made new errors by trying to correct for a rotation that was no longer there. When the direction of rotation changed again, in phase three, participants applied what they had learned in the first two sets of tests. They quickly adjusted, using what they learned earlier about rotation to deal with the new direction.
That switch from phase one to phase two was an important part of the learning process, Herzfeld found. When participants experienced a long pause between those two phases, they did not show the same recall of past errors. During the delay, the participants forgot what they had learned. His team's study was published August 14 in Science.
It’s an exciting finding, says Farrel Robinson. He’s a neuroscientist at the University of Washington in Seattle and not involved in the research. This study is the first to show that the history of mistakes is what matters in motor learning, he says. Motor learning is the type that has to do with body movements. The new data also show that history determines whether our brains will learn from past errors when building new skills.
So the next time you set out to try a new activity, be bold. Make mistakes. They just may help you learn faster.
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